Cultural Diversity Training Courses Can Dramatically Improve Your Workplace

Home / Cultural Diversity Training Courses Can Dramatically Improve Your Workplace

Cultural Diversity Training Benefits & Deliverables:

  • Prevent discrimination or harassment situations from arising with co-workers with cultural diversity training
  • Build stronger working relationships through increased understanding
  • Establish the foundation for increased respect and understanding in the workplace
  • Improve productivity by providing a more comfortable working climate through cultural diversity training
  • Communicate more professionally and effectively with co-workers and customers
  • Reduce the instances of being misunderstood or misrepresented
  • Reduce the exposure to legal claims by documenting sensitivity training
  • Deal with cultural, generational, and other differences more sensitively
  • Learn communication skills that can eradicate harassment or discrimination before it begins
  • Sensitize employee awareness to colleague perceptions and perspectives with cultural diversity training
  • Address the most common causes of harassment and disrespect
  • Increase the employee’s understanding of their responsibilities and expectations of behavior
  • Reinforce your company’s anti-harassment and discrimination policies

Promoting a Diverse & Harassment-Free Workplace Training Course Outline:

I. Understand and Reinforce the Need for Diversity & Harassment Prevention Training

  1. Review the realities of discrimination and cultural diversity training
  2. Identify the importance of diversity training
  3. Develop and present individual goals and objectives
  4. Participate in a harassment & discrimination IQ quiz
  5. Identify the responsibilities of employers and employees in preventing discrimination and/or harassment
  6. Understand the legal liabilities of discrimination and harassment

II. Establish Respect as the Platform for Developing an Inclusive Workplace

  1. Define what a respectful workplace should look like in your organization
  2. Gain an understanding of the right attitudes to create a respectful workplace
  3. Learn the skills to succeed in a diverse workplace and marketplace
  4. Incorporate respect for yourself and others as a corporate value
  5. Define and explain discrimination & workplace harassment
  6. Identify the 10 most common patterns of harassment/discrimination
  7. Develop the foundation for a sensitive and inclusive work environment
  8. Understand the manager as a role model in leading sensitivity change

III. Increase Sensitivity & Awareness through Respectful Communication Skills

  1. Communicate and review company anti-harassment/discrimination policies and procedures
  2. Learn the steps necessary to establish the correct workplace environment
  3. Understand differences and benefits of working with different genders, cultures and races
  4. Communicate and work more effectively with different people and personalities
  5. Understand how communication styles can affect people’s perceptions
  6. See how humor can be perceived differently
  7. Overcome the most common stereotypes
  8. Review courteous & respectful communication
  9. Understand the importance of being correct in email communications
  10. Review courteous and respectful behavior in all settings
  11. Develop an individual action plan to increase sensitivity and awareness

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